Polish Publication

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The new issue of the Polish journal Tekstualia has an interview with me and an essay by Bartosz Lutostański entitled 'Wstęp do analizy narratologicznej słuchowisk radiowych' [Introduction to the Narratological Analysis of the Radio Play] focusing on my play Cavalry. I spoke at a conference in Poland in May 2012 and the interview is a transcript of an interview conducted at a theatre in Gdansk following a hearing of my play Cavalry. You can, should you wish, read the interview transcript in English here.

I don't have a translation of Lutostański's article though Google Translate does supply a very rough mechanical translation of the opening paragraphs here. This is the  abstract:

Narratology is nowadays an extensive discipline of literary studies relating to particular media (literature, film or theatre) and particular disciplines (philosophy, sociology or psychology). However, this narratological plurality still fails to include numerous artistic phenomena, for example a radio play; its narratological analysis is presented in the following paper. In order to tackle the variety and complexity of a radio play, I use various methodologies drawn from the narratology of literature and film and the theory of theatre. Dan Rebellato's Cavalry  serves as the prime example insofar as it demonstrates that a radio play's general narrative features (for example, level construction and focalisation) as well as radio-specific features (microphone and space construction) can be successfully examined from the narratological standpoint without ignoring the specificity and individuality of a radio play as a legitimate work of art.

Which is all very lovely.